
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tunisian Studies Trip II

The grade 6 and 7 students and their chaperones only had a three-day trip out of town. Since classes were cancelled for the whole week to accommodate the senior trips, we studied Tunisia locally on Thursday and Friday. Here are two fairly standard shots of statuary inside the Carthage Museum.

And here is what makes Tunisia so special. You walk out of the museum, and stand in history. It renders me speechless - and you know what that takes! Do you see the built up city below? The contrasts through which I pass every day are amazing. I am in a taxi at rush hour. Traffic is at a crawl. Or should I say, a trot because now the cab is being passed by a man on a donkey cart. He is selling home made charcoal. For ten minutes we pass each other until the traffic eases and we leave him behind. Stuff like that happens all the time. Calves heads hang in butchers windows beside a chic dress shop. My neighbourhood is very up market, but sheep graze across the road. I see cows foraging amongst garbage in vacant lots in between three-storey homes. It's a crazy quilt of a place, and I'm really coming to love it.

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